The Rise of the Female Single Traveler
Did you know that two-thirds of travelers these days are women? There’s a good reason for that: 73% of women found traveling made them stronger, and 69% found inspiration during their travels. No wonder there’s been such an increase. The rise of single female traveler is here!
But aside from the statistics, here are a few more contributing factors for the rise of the female single traveler:
1. More and more women are marrying later.
Chances are your parents got married in their early to mid-twenties. But that’s no longer the case for most Americans.
At the earliest, most women are waiting until their late twenties to get married, choosing to instead focus on themselves for the majority of their first few post-grad years. And without a committed relationship to tend to, many young women are choosing to travel before they settle down.
2. Many women are waiting to start families, if they have children at all.
With women waiting to marry, it also means they’re waiting longer to have children. In this day and age, it’s incredibly easy to wait until you’re in your thirties, even forties, to start having kids.
Women are taking their time to work, spend time with their friends or significant others, and, yes, travel. They appreciate having the freedom to do the things they’ve always wanted to, including traveling the world.
3. Women are making their own money—a lot of it.
So many more women are focusing on their careers for the first two decades of their adult life. Even moms are not staying at home as much, preferring to work, and either hire a nanny or put their children in daycare.
And as women continue to climb their way up the corporate ladder, they have a lot more money to spend on travel—especially luxurious travel. In fact, women comprise 54% of affluent travelers. Which leads to…
4. It’s never been an easier—or safer—time for women to travel.
If you haven’t noticed, female empowerment is all around us. And travel companies are taking notice. Women are finding more and more trips designed specifically for them and for their needs and desires. The options for female travel are pretty much limitless.
And with the abundance in technology, rideshares, and more, it’s also never been a safer time to travel, in general.
5. Women are finally giving themselves the self-care they deserve.
For so long, women have traditionally been taking care of others. Now, they’re finally starting to take care of themselves. Travel is one of the best ways for women to do so.
Women—single or married—are leaving their lives behind for a few days, weeks, or even months to go out and explore who they are as individuals. And most women are traveling with other, like-minded women, looking to get away from their everyday stresses and explore the world and themselves.
Embrace the empowerment of single female travel.
While women are the main solo travelers these days, solo travel is popular for everyone.
Don’t miss out on the experience of a lifetime—get in touch today to start booking your next adventure and wander on…
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